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Fun with Math & Creative Writing Camp

Math & Story Writing Camp for Rising Gr. 3-6


A full-day program with Math Teacher Amelia Chan​
and Writing Coaches Shu-Hsien Ho and Royd Hatta
Or half-day Math Camp. 





Camp Hours

9 am - 12:00 pm: Fun with math 

12:00 pm- 1:00 pm: Supervised Lunch

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm: Adventure Story Writing



Bridges Community Church, Los Altos

625 Magdalena Ave, Los Altos, CA 94024, United States



Tuition: $399 for Math only or $795 per student 


Math Enrichment Camp 

Taught by Math Educator Amelia Chan


A high quality summer program that provides a challenging but fun educational environment for all students in a small group setting. The math camp is filled with hands on learning and games. Kids will develop new knowledge and problem solving strategies. Most important of all, they will have fun while learning math.


Story Writing Workshop

Taught by Writing Coaches Shu-Hsien Ho & Royd Hatta

Beyond the Box Learning  


Into the Belly of the Whale


A Story and Illustration Workshop


Imagine stepping into the mouth of a giant, and diving through a black hole. Or, envision jumping out of a classroom and transforming into a caped superhero. Just as Pinocchio entered unexpected and sometimes dangerous worlds in his quest to become human, this workshop will invite writers to travel with their characters and tackle the twists and turns of their thrilling adventures. We will provide a highly interactive, playful environment to inspire students to brainstorm ideas and create their own unique tales. We'll address opening scenes, rising conflicts, climaxes, and resolutions. 


As always, students will walk through every step of the writing process: generating first ideas, developing characters and plots, organizing, writing first drafts, revising, editing, and publishing. 


All genres are welcome. Students will be invited to read an excerpt of their stories on Friday afternoon.


Creative Writing Coaches

Writing Coaches Shu-Hsien Ho and Royd Hatta are passionate about teaching youth and teens how to organize their thoughts and write with power, clarity, and ease. Since 1996, their students have learned to write essays, research papers, poems, short stories, and even their first novels. After working with Ms. Ho, one teen writer independently published her 400-page fantasy novel. Their students have earned acceptance into top colleges and universities, such as UC San Diego, Carnegie Mellon, Caltech, MIT, NYU, and Brown University. Ms. Ho has a B.A. from Pomona College and an M.A. from Lesley University. Mr. Hatta has a B.A. from Cal State University at Long Beach, with specialties in history, theater, and philosophy. For ten years, Ms. Ho and Mr. Hatta taught after-school creative writing courses at the Chinese American International School in San Francisco. Today, they continue to work with many homeschooling groups. They run two thriving writers clubs with over 675 families: Bay Area Young Writers and Bay Area Teen Writers. Since 2011, Ms. Ho and Mr. Hatta have published eight anthologies of their students’ fiction: Strokes of Lightning, Real Heroes Wear Sneakers, Bones of Mystery, Encroaching Ink, Special Worlds, Piercing the Unknown, Colorful Characters, and Hues of Hubris. These books are available on Ms. Ho and Mr. Hatta are currently teaching both in-person and online writing workshops.


Math Instructors

Amelia Chan Please see my bio here and read the  testimonial here.

Our guest speaker Dorr H. Clark. Dorr has taught math at the Graduate School of Math department at Santa Clara University for over a decade.


What people say about the Math camp:

"Best math camp ever. Miss Amelia is hilarious."


"My kids enjoyed the summer camp a lot last year - they told me about building geometric shapes with candy and playing with balloons. The camp makes math fun, and a love in math is important and sets the foundation of success in school"


"I thought this it a math camp, how come it is fun?"


What people say about the Writing camp:

"Thank you for being such an inspiration for my daughter!  Isabella looks forward to Fridays because creative writing is her favorite class. She plans to continue with your classes."


"We are eternally grateful to you both for helping our boys so very much. Julian was not at all stressed with his creative writing final. This is because of all his work with you both - he told me! Miles' library persuasive essay was handed in and VERY well received! We're very blessed, thank you!"


Meet the Instructors

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

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